The bouquets...

From florist Mes k flors, we suggest some designs in bouquets of flowers, a variety of styles including modern bouquets with straight lines and minimalist, as prepared in Holland, Germany and the Scandinavian countries.

The classic bouquets Florist Méskflors, are characterized by having many flowers, color and touches of green, while the new line consists of romantic English-style bouquets. A mixture of colors that is able to create an harmony, as if the flowers were freshly collected from a garden. 

Bouquets of roses

From florist Mes k flors, we prepare these beautiful and fresh bouquets of roses of different colors, passing through the hands of our florist who will provide the materials and expertise needed to your bouquet.



Florist Méskflors, we use trust products, our roses are imported from Ecuador, Colombia and Holland and deal with the best suppliers, with the guarantee of being a fresh product and quality.


The varied greens branches in your bouquets, are the best of the season.


You can add to any of our bouquets, a glass vase that will bring water and a perfect presentation to your bouquet (recommended for clinics, hospitals and offices).